Friday, November 25, 2011

Bonne Fete de Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Guinea!

This year I am thankful for the following things:

-My contagious, parasitic skin infection (Scabies) has been cured. What I thought was a bad case of heat rash turned out to be a little more serious. Being a biologist and all I thought it was kind of cool to get a parasitic infection, however, I'm quite happy to be over it.

-I have a house with a floor that is not made of dirt, a roof and ceiling not made of grass, and a toilet
-Every night I get to sleep in a bed (and without bedbugs!)

-I have one of the most interesting, fun and challenging jobs in the world :) Everyday I go to work with the opportunity to inspire and encourage the future engineers, scientists, doctors, pilots, and ambassadors of Guinea (this is what my students tell me they want to be)

-I have great friends and family all over the world who are continously supporting me and encouraging my work here

-I live in a beautiful place where people are incredibly generous and friendly

-The people in my village are so grateful and appreciative of my work and the Peace Corps presence in Guinea. I'm thankful that they're thankful.

-The best Thanksgiving gift was that, in a taxi on my way to Conkary yesterday (to celebrate Tday with some other vols), about 100km from my village, a group of construction workers on the side of the road all waved at me and yelled Damayé, Damayé Camara!! (my Guinean name) when I passed by. I have no idea who they were, but apparently they were from my village and recognized me. Feelin' good.

Peace and Thanks!


  1. so glad you are doing well Liz!! miss you guys! Happy Thanksgiving! <3 Sharon

  2. Happy Thanksgiving.
    My brother Fred Banaszak (also from Wisconsin) is on his way to Guinea right now. Your blog is one of the many blogs we have been reading lately.
    Best of the luck on your service.
    Cheers, Hikmet

  3. I'm a native of Guinea but I left the country when I was 5 (I'm 30 now!) and I only went back last year for 10 days, 16 years after my last visit.
    I want to thank you for the work you are doing in Guinea. God knows we need to educate our youth...Among many other things! You seem to really enjoy it out there too so I wish you best of luck during your time in this jem of a country.

    God bless you,


  4. Hi Sharon, thanks! We heard you're going to Zambia, that's great, du courage girl!!! We miss you.

    Hi Hikmet, thanks so much! I just arrived in Conkary from my village, I haven't met your brother yet, but since I'll be working with the trainees for a few days I'm sure I'll meet him soon!

    DJ, In nu wali! Thank you for your support! Guinea really is a gem - a beautiful country and a beautiful culture. I am very lucky to be working here :) Peace~
