Friday, June 15, 2012

Radio CBG

Word has spread.
Our girls soccer team has made it big. And by big I mean on local radio. A journalist from one of the 2 radio stations in our region came to my village to talk with me and learn about our team. He invited me and the other coaches to come to Kamsar to speak live on the radio (Radio CBG).

We arrived in the stuio just before going on air, no thanks to a giant storm that delayed us en route. I was nervous to be a) talking on the radio and b) speaking in French in a very public medium (I would guess there are thousands of listeners to this radio). There was also a significant lead up to the "special gust interview with Madame Liz," which didn't help. I was first asked to greet all the listeners in French, Susu, Pulaar and English. Then we talked about what I'm doing in Guinea, what Peace Corps is all about, how I started the team, how the team is evolving, and what I had to say to the jeunes filles of Guinea to encourage them. Soyez courageuse, soyez determinée, soyez persistante... The radio host complimented me on my French and I said it was thanks to my students who love to tell me every time I make a mistake (ex. "Madame, excuse me, it's LA loi de Galilée not LE loi de Galilée"). Afterwards they talked with the other coach that's been helping me about soccer strategy and future plans.

All in all it went well and I'm really happy that I did it. When I got back to my village that night people were quoting things I said (not sure how I feel about this)

Preparing to go on air
"And in a few minutes we'll be hearing from Madame Liz"
The radio host et moi
The radio host with the other coach


  1. ahhh!! Ca c'est grande pour Guinee!!! lmfao I'm so happy for you! I bet all your villagers are so happy! Good job Liz!

    1. This is so great! You're a terrific emissary!
      We hope that your training for the new PCVs is going well, and that you're enjoying having electricity.
      (BTW, the Washington, DC area has been w/o electricity for almost a week, due to storms and extreme heat. But, of course, the Capitol and White House, etc., have backup systems... Meanwhile, in St. C..., it's been extremely hot -- over 100 today. We're wondering how close this is to the heat in Guinea.
      Everyone, including Tauqua, says "hello"!
      L, N
